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The Perfect Gift

Sacrifice: An act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.



Gift: Something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present.



Speechless: Unable to speak, especially as the temporary result of shock or some strong emotion.



Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.



I am 🤯 still at a lost for words from receiving this @graceanapledesignpainting. If ANYONE knows me they know I LOVE @kb_hga . He is my favorite CHH artist and my favorite RAPPER point blank period(t) with a “T” on it (Only the real ones will catch that reference 😏) This painting was gifted to me by @24hga0 with some of my favorite lyrics from @kb_hga new album that says. “Oh vanity, Satan tries to cancel me, I don't fear your plan for me.

I just made a canopy. When you come to handle me, there’s another hand on me. Even when they have all abandon me, God got the destiny, I see no enemy!” At the bottom of the painting there is a scripture attached to 18:22 addressing it to “A Woman Of Virtue” . I don’t have many words to say other than thank you 😩😭. Thank you for the gift, thank you for the sacrifice in time spent to drive all the way here from Florida gift me with it and thank you for the intentional thoughtfulness of this gift. HGA TO THA GRAVE!!! #hga



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One of my other creative abilities can be seen within the depth of my writing. I keep it transparent and honest. I hope you enjoy these readings as they are the words that scream from the pages of my heart - "The Creative Counterpart" Doshie Dior

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